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Helping Individuals Plan Their Social Media Journey To Accomplish Their Goals.
Many individuals do not possess the expertise to create and grow social media tools. Marketing managers are likely to find themselves left behind if they don't endlessly improve their digital skills.
Vladimer is one of the world's most successful internet entrepreneurs and mentors. He is dedicated to providing a world-class small business mentoring and using his extensive experience to help you guide through your own marketing issues. Vladimer offers one-on-one digital marketing mentoring sessions to help individuals plan their social media journey to grow their businesses. He has shown thousands of CEOs and executives from the different countries of the globe how to move their brands forward. His passion is helping people accomplish their goals and everyone has been proud to see the unparalleled results in the industries.
Vladimer's digital marketing mentoring program is the professional development chance you have been waiting for. He won't offer you "blue prints" or "business models". Instead he will work with you who you really are, why you are in business, who your fans and followers are. He will develop unique tactics to grow your business.
The innovative digital marketing program provides you with 2 months of support focusing on building business through world-class strategy and is conducted via face-to-face, Skype, Google Hangout or phone.
Active learning through Vladimer will enormously boost the level of your success. He allows you to discuss ideas in confidential environment.
Mentoring is about: trust and support, development, how to build capacity and skills, forming a partnership. He can also give your brand a full "health check" and he can come to your work place weekly or monthly to provide an essential outside view of your performance.
Vladimer also delivers one-on-one small executive briefings for CEOs and board members enlightening them about digital trends and how these can be used to support your corporation's goals. His digital marketing mentoring sessions will include the following topics:
Social Media
Explore a number of strategies how to use social media channels to convert fans into visitors
Learn how to optimize your social media channels of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Periscope and Snapchat to drive more customer conversion
See how to utilize Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Advertising strategically
Content Marketing
Explore which content types will increase your engagement
Learn tips on how to work with social media influencers to promote your business
Online Reputation Management
Learn how to manage your reputation online
Explore tips on how to take your business to the next level through social advocacy Blogging
Learn why blogging is an essential digital marketing tactic to obtain copywriting skills ensuring every post is outstanding
Search Engine Optimization
Learn what you need to know to boost your website's visibility in search engines
Explore the importance of a 1st page ranking
Discover how measure SEO objectives using Google analysis
Email Marketing
Learn how investing in email marketing supports your marketing strategy
Discover tools and best tactics to manage email marketing strategy
Thought Leadership
Become a thought leader in digital marketing. Collaboration opportunities with other digital marketers
So how the process works:
Step 1: Free 30 minute business tune-up session. You will meet or Skype with Vladimer for a 30 minute business tune-up session and discuss the current challenges you are facing.
Step 2: The proposal and recommendations
Vladimer provides a proposal to you.
Step 3: Acceptance
You accept the proposal and pay the deposit invoice. He sends his mentoring questionnaire to you and undertakes research into your business and its key competitors.
Step 4: Session one
He uses this session to discuss goals and what you want to achieve.
Step 5: Ongoing Session Two
He checks in with you on a monthly process to see how you are progressing. This includes a two hour face-to-face or virtual meeting.
You will also have the email and phone support during the digital marketing mentoring session.
2 months after the end of the program he will follow up to hear about your achievement and success.
Big or small - Vladimer has got the solution for you. From entry level to expert level. Let's get started on your project.
Contact him to fast track things. This will be more rewarding than you think. Get in touch.